Jade Emperor 2020

event description

Celebration of Jade Emperor’s Birthday (天公誕) falls on 9th day of 1st month of Lunar New Year. On this day, taoists usually contact the Jade Emperor ritual (拜天公) at temples or events, to worship the heavens. Devotees would burn incense and make food offerings as appreciation and to be blessed for the new year.

There are several crucial Luck Enhancement activities to be carried out during the Jade Emperor festival. This includes the following:

  • Cleansing with water and fire puja. 甘露灑過火橋
  • Sweeping away bad luck with bamboo.观音竹掃背后灵法
  • Initiating of light on your fore head.灌頂加持法
  • Fortune Salad 撈魚
  • Blessings of wallets accessories 用品加持法
  • Blessings of kids with Singing bowl ( due to popular demand that all kids get overwhelming result in the previous 3years blessing) 小孩开智慧大法
  • Prayers and offerings 转好运大法
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