Nine Flying Stars

In traditional Fengshui study, we have learnt that Heaven has Nine Stars & Earth has Nine Palaces. The Nine Stars 2016 are mainly White Star, Black Star, Blue Star, Green Star, Yellow Star, White Star, Red Star, White Star and Purple Star. We are going to discuss the Nine Flying Stars 2016.
Following the Book of Rok or 洛書, we established the Nine Palaces Formation while the Fying Stars will begin in the Central Palace & subsequently fly to reside at various Palaces in different year. This Flying Stars have derived the phrase of Fengshui Wheel which will take turn to change. The common Chinese phrase called 風水輪流轉.
Based on the Three Origins & Nine Luck Cycles or 三元九運, the Nine Stars take turns to govern the Earth for 20 years. This signifies a Luck Cycle (此爲一運). Each of the 3 sets of Flying Stars will sum up to 60 years (一個花甲六十年), which is also known as One Origin. Hence, Upper, Centre or Lower 3 Origin will sum up to 180 years.
Base on the above concept of the Flying Stars, we have designed a simple to comprehend Nine Flying Stars 2016 Fengshui chart to explain the Good & Bad of each star & the meaning when it befalls on each sector along with recommended Fengshui cure or remedy . However this serves just as a general guideline as the actual Fengshui requires the Ba Zi (date of birth & time) of the owner for the Fengshui Master to use his skills to tailor make the remedy of Fengshui base on the shortcomings of Elements & Direction.
Good Sectors:
- West sector
This house the number 4 Star of joyful romance & education. Preference element are wood and water. Avoid Fire & Metal element if possible. Recommendation is to display pots of bamboo or lotus in water. Our Fortune Resource Centre’s pair of Crystal Mandarin Ducks will certainly bring blissful loving harmony romance or marriage. Our full set of Imperial Stationery display rack is for wealth & education. - East sector
This sector has the Fortunate number 9 Purple Star Wood & Fire elements are good as it supports the burning energy of fire. Avoid over blown of Earth or placement of water to eliminate the fire. Candles flowers pot plants are recommended. Our Crystal Money Tree & Jade Ruyi with 9 candles will definitely flourish the energy of this sector. - Center Sector
Here resides the number 2 Black Star representing mental, communicable & physical illness. Our advice to use metal decoration to weaken the Earth effect. Be careful of dengue fever, contagious disease while travelling. Water Salt Feng Shui is recommended along with Brass Elixir of Health Herbal Gourd display. - South Sector
The link between profits and business value means that the moment a corporation creates a new sustainable level of profit, the business value is adjusted accordingly. - South West sector
This area resides the #8 Star of wealth and prosperity However it also host a very powerful star Tai Sui or Jupiter which should not be tampered with . Renovation knocking in this sector need caution selection of dates and remedies. Placing of earth and fire elements can enhance not only wealth but beneficial flow of love & romance. Suggest putting a 5 crystal wealth abundance pot with light shining on it. - South East Sector
The South East Sctor with number 1 White Star tends to bring overall success in career education & relationship using both wate - North Sector
The north sector resides the Red number 7 Robbery Violence Star that tends to induce unexpected happenings, such as lost of assets, wallets including theft and robbery. One must be careful to safeguard and enhance home protection. Please watch out on the security of assets such as bicycles, motorbikes or car. The best solution is use of Water Element decoration to eliminate the volatility. Placement of your stupa or a blue crystal elephant stabilise the protection of the house & various assets. - North East Sector
This sector dwells the number 5 Yellow Star the fiercest most disastrous stars. If place wrong items at this sector will provoke and bring about not only wealth turbulence or great loss but bloodshed surgery and accidents. Having door windows fan and moving objects aggravate disasters. Metal and Water element are highly recommended with cautious to use of wood. Do avoid fire or earth elements which might enhance the already strong negative energies. We recommend our Metal Five Wheel Pagodas that trap and weaken the earth or a Singing Bowl.